Individual Passes

Select one or more trainings. Each training costs $150 per person.
Icebreakers and Team Builders to Cultivate Connection
Antiracist Youth Development Theory
Antiracist Facilitation for Inclusive Classrooms
Activities to Strengthen Group Development
Center in Transformative Social Emotional Learning
Restorative Behavior Guidance
Trauma Informed Behavior Management
Supporting Multiple Learning Modalities
Icebreakers and Team Builders to Cultivate Connection
Antiracist Youth Development Theory
Antiracist Facilitation for Inclusive Classrooms
Activities to Strengthen Group Development
Center in Transformative Social Emotional Learning
Restorative Behavior Guidance
Trauma Informed Behavior Management
Supporting Multiple Learning Modalities

Enter the names and email addresses of the attendees who you would like to purchase tickets for. They will receive an email with instructions to access the training sessions. Optionally, you can upload a spreadsheet (.xlsx) to populate the list.

To process payment, please provide the following information:

To complete your registration, please provide the following information:

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