Antiracist Facilitation for Inclusive Classrooms

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August 11, 2021 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Pacific

The best facilitators can design learning conditions that make every participant feel like a brilliant member of a learning community. Some of the greatest violence in our systems is initiated when we send some people the message that they are not smart enough, equipped enough, or worthy of being part of a team. Our facilitation methodology is built on the principles of equity and inclusion–that every person has something uniquely valuable to contribute, and that the facilitator unpacks and constructs learning with the group, rather than as a lecturer or instructor.

In this session, participants will:

  • Layer a social justice analysis onto your facilitation skills to amplify the appreciation of diversity and inclusion in your work.
  • Unpack the many places strong facilitation skills can help make better learning experiences
  • Learn strategies to design an interactive agenda that supports diverse learning styles.
  • Learn how to work with conflict in a session to invite dialogue and debate
  • Practice holding space for differing voices and needs in a room.
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