Restorative Behavior Guidance

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June 3, 2021 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Pacific
Rooben Morgan, Aminta Steinbach, and Corey Hollis

In this session participants will grapple with age-old questions of behavior guidance. How do we motivate our youth to make positive behavior choices when they really don't want to! How do we reframe conflict as learning opportunities to deepen our ability to form strong relationships and build skills? By shifting our questions from asking 'what rules were broken' to 'who was harmed in our community' restorative practices offer a pathway to reform trust and relationships after conflict. This training builds on the youth development principles of engagement, skill building and community involvement. Participants will learn simple and creative strategies to prevent conflict, intervene during conflict, and restore relationships after conflict.

In this workshop participants will:

  • Learn to see the complexity of multiple perspectives in conflict
  • Identify the differences between Criminal Justice and Restorative practices
  • Explore the principles of restorative justice to reinforce a behaviour guidance system
  • Develop strategies to teach youth to resolve conflicts using win-win thinking
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